Stolen History seeks to reclaim British and Global History. Our nation's story is often written and re-written by the great academic centres or by entrenched  ideologies;  towns and communities that  have witness it for thousands of years seem to have their part of this history taken from them.  As children we might play knights and princesses, but as we get older it often feels we are being told it’s not our history or our story. But it is our history, history isn’t something to preserve for others but something that belongs to us all and needs to be reclaimed. History Knights project ‘Stolen History’ seeks to empower and embolden new voices to become directly involved in  researching, explaining and celebrating British and Global History.

By diversifying the voices that research, interpret and share history we are able to depend  our understanding of the past and empower communities to preserve and protect the nations heritage. With the support of the National Lottery Fund, Stolen History hopes to establish a new model of empowering communities to diversify the heritage sector, enrich our understanding of our past and enhance how exploring history can contribute to contemporary life. 




A core part of the new research project is to train a team of ‘Knowledge Knights’ who become paid members of the research and events team. They will receive training in a wide range of skills. The project is actively seeking people from backgrounds underrepresented in the heritage sectors . The 16 months project is delivered by History Knights Initiative CIC funded by The National Lottery Heritage Fund. The pioneering training program hopes to establish a model of how the heritage sector can remove the barriers to participation. As well as playing a crucial role within the project the participant will gain a wide range of transferable skills. 

Participants in the Knowledge Knight Training Program should be able to commit between 6 – 12 hours a week (hours given can work around other commitments), they will receive a stipend of £7182 for the 56 weeks commitment. No prior knowledge of history is needed, just an enthusiasm to learn.

In additional to exploring the history participants will also learn about the technologies and science involved in protecting heritage sites, how to deliver and fun events and a range of wellbeing and community projects.





Alongside our research we seek to work in partnership with a wide range of communities organisation to involve as many people as possible within our event and activities.  We believe heritage inspired activities can act as a catalyst to bring a diverse range of organisations together and enhance widening access to opportunities and creating a greater sense of shared identity and community cohesion. 




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